Hello & welcome to my blog! I’ve always enjoyed writing since I was a young girl and now I get to share it with the world. As a new mom, I relied a lot on bloggers and YouTube videos for advice on what to know about newborns and the transition into parenthood. After learning so much great advice, it gave me such an appreciation for bloggers that are willing to share apart of their life to readers. I’d love to go over what has and hasn’t worked for my now 8-month-old son, in addition to my experiences transitioning to this new chapter of life.
Last year, my husband and I purchased a foreclosure which we plan to remodel from floor to ceiling. I’d love to share our progress with everyone, including bumps in the road we’ve run into over the past 12 months. At the moment, there is not one room that is a hundred percent complete, but doing a renovation without contractors is a lengthy process. I hope to post snippets of each room’s progress.
I may find myself babbling on and on about other miscellaneous thoughts as well. I seem to narrate my life in my head each day thinking “this could be a great blog post!”. Now, I just need to get into the habit of writing it down so that I do not forget. I write my posts mostly in the evening when my little guy is asleep so things come and go from my mind all day. Would love to do a monthly Birchbox (love this!) review, or have a guest post from a friend, or even just talk about our day.
Over the last few years there have been many bloggers that have inspired me. A few personal favorites that I check daily and enjoy very much are: Skinny Meg, Kailee Wright, & The Small Things Blog. All three of these ladies are very inspiring to me. They each have a unique perspective on an array of topics, such as being a mother (which all three of them are), providing beauty reviews, fitness tips, and more.
Looking forward to this! Thanks for reading.
You can find out more about me here.
Kara says
Laura, I can feel your enthusiasm as a blog writer and new mother. I am very excited to see your blog blossom. Your talent with writing is very apparent.