And… I’m back! Although this is a new blog that I’m still incredibly excited about doing, I’ve been on a brief hiatus. Graduated college, celebrated my 1st Mother’s Day & 1st wedding anniversary, 30th birthday, and Evan’s 1 Birthday!! It’s been a wild month of amazing celebrations and I’m so excited to just take it easy this summer with my little 1-year-old. Thought I’d kick things off with a brief post about Evan’s first experiences with baby food, what worked and what didn’t.
Since I was pregnant, I have planned to make most of Evan’s food in my own kitchen. Surprisingly, it’s been incredibly easy and takes about one hour each week (give or take) to plan 4-6 days of food for him (note: this changes around 12 months which I’ll write about in a future post). When Evan was 6 months old, I started giving him simple purees of single vegetables. The picture above is the very first day he tried carrot puree, which was a big hit. Pretty much everything we’ve given him up until now (12 months old currently), he’s enjoyed with the exception of avocado. Food allergies are something that I worry about, however we have fortunately had good luck so far.
I found a product on Amazon that I really wanted to try and since it was under $20, I thought “why not?”. So the Infantino Squeeze Station was quickly purchased. And we LOVE it!
This product is so simple and easy to use. I was able to cook up a vegetable, blend it up, and then press it into these pouches. Hopefully we are able to use this device for the next few years because of its convenience, especially when it comes to on-the-go meals. The one drawback that I wasn’t too thrilled about is having to throw the pouches away after one use. There are reusable pouches that are online from other companies that I do plan on trying down the road, but for now we are using the Infantino branded ones. What’s great is being able to spend just an hour or less in the kitchen and prepping a week’s worth of food for Evan. We go out and about a lot, making these pouches great for the diaper bag. They freeze well and can be stored for up to two months. We are raising Evan as a pescatarian, which means he does not eat meat but will eat fish. A great meal I discovered on Pinterest for the pouches included chickpeas, apples, sweet potato, and cinnamon. It was a big hit! Looking forward to the new 1-year-old ‘status’, as we move into more and more variety. Thanks for reading!
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