Our weekend company has come and gone. It was so nice having the house filled with people. I absolutely love having guests stay because I love being a hostess, and enjoy spending time with family/friends. My cousins that stayed were able to enjoy our now complete guest bath.
In my earlier post I mentioned our wallpaper dilemma, and now to further expand on that.. The previous owner used wallpaper borders in multiple rooms. They have been very difficult to get down, and I’m so glad this is the last room we have to remove them from. The process we used in the other rooms was using a hair dryer and a good spray remover for the glue. This was definitely a two person job, where one would be peeling the paper while the other followed ever so slowly behind with the hair dryer to heat up and loosen the glue. Once the outer layer was gone we could then spray ‘WP Chomp’ gel remover from Home Depot on the second layer which mainly consisted of glue. This particular brand did the best job out of the few we tried, therefore I would definitely recommend it.
When it came time to remove the border in this bathroom, it was nowhere near as “easy” (if you’d call it that — can you tell I how much I dislike wallpaper borders?) to remove. Instead the paper fought back and we were fighting against it for hours. The hair dryer plan just barely worked, which led us to using lots and lots of spray and scraping. There are many different razor scrapers meant for this and they all seem to be the same. There was a wallpaper scorer that was recommended to us by someone but that did not help at all with this particular border, it seemed to make it worse. We suspect the previous owners must have used a significant amount of glue when applying the border.
Fortunately, Glenn is a skilled drywall installer and was able to patch and repair most of the parts where we dug into the wall. Although he spent so much time sanding and perfecting the wall, he still claims there are spots that bother him. Personally, I do not notice anything and I’m incredibly happy with the way it turned out. I did marry a perfectionist when it comes to handy work though, which can be both good and bad.
When it came time to finish up and clean the grout in the flooring, I was disappointed to find the original grout to be a dark grey. I was really hoping it had originally been white and that bleach, vinegar, or any other remedies I found online would work to make it shine through. One day down the road it would be nice to look into re-grout options, but until then I will adapt to the dark color which is sporadic throughout the bathroom making it look less consistent.
Our vanity mirror was a very random find at Kohl’s. I had been looking online, at IKEA, and various home improvement stores to find a small mirror that would work for this very small space. I spent just $20 on this mirror and it works so well! The white mirrored squares we hung on the wall next to the sink were also found for less than $20 at Kohl’s.
The light fixture was found at Home Depot, the vanity – Menard’s, faucet – Menard’s, and towel bars are from IKEA.
As always, thanks so much for reading and following us on the journey to complete this house!
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